Dr. Pramod Jog - IAP President 2016

It is the tragedy of the world that no one knows what he doesn't know--and the less a man knows, the more sure he is that he knows everything! --Jouce Cary, British author( 1888-1957).
IAP Pediatric Drug Formulary has become my carry-on memory jogger, in an attempt to put into a single reference much of the information that is or could be relevant to my practice. I use it as a dictionary, always available at my workstation.
It is a matter of pride and privilege to write a message for the flagship project of IAP CMIC, which has become extremely popular over the years & an asset to pediatricians in our country, Pediatricians and all those caring for neonates, children and adolescents in India and abroad vouch for the authenticity of IAP Pediatric Drug Formulary, as it has strived to maintain international standards.
I take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Jeeson Unni, Editor in Chief of this extremely popular publication, for the dedication in executing the project.
The information contained herein stems from various sources & the value of Drug Formulary is due to the eminence of its contributors who have shared with us the knowledge they have acquired with years of practice in their specialty . I congratulate all Subspecialty Chapters of IAP for contributing drug therapy pertaining to their respective specialty.
If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much to be out of danger!-T.H.Huxley
IAP has always promoted ethical and rational drug therapy in pediatric care and this publication will keep our members ‘out of danger’ for years to come .
I sincerely hope that the IAP Pediatric Drug Formulary will serve you in day to day practice& in teaching institutes- the way it continues to help me.
Dr. Pramod Jog
IAP President 2016